Welcome to our center! We offer a variety of services consisting of classes and individual counseling. We can assist you with marriage counseling, anger management, depression & grief counseling, career counseling and other individual services. We provide evening and weekend seminars, that give an overview of certain fundamental principles and their application in life. Our life improvement courses can help you learn how to better deal with specific situations that may be troubling to you.
“Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today and you make your own tomorrow.”
There are many reasons a person may need assistance in their life. If you are struggling in a relationship, or have trust issues, it can be difficult to get along. You may be lacking tools to deal with certain situations. A “mental block” can also affect one’s life. This can occur after a severe loss such as a break-up, divorce, or even worse, the loss of a loved one. A person’s entire life can be shattered after such a tragedy. Picking up the pieces may be difficult, if not impossible.
The counseling we offer at our center is unique because we don’t tell you what is wrong with you. Instead, our highly trained counselors use specific questions, and listen to your concerns; there is no judgement passed or criticism. The result of this is that they help you spot for yourself what is really going on, and where the issue actually stems from. A lot of people comment on how much relief they feel even after one or just a few counseling sessions.
If you would like to know more about how we can help you, read our services section, or contact us today at (202) 797-9826.